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威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校经常被形容为“刚刚好”.“只有在欧克莱尔,你才能得到小学校氛围和大学校机会的完美结合. 高期望与卓越的支持相结合. 还有各种各样的经历以及将所学付诸实践的机会. All at an affordable price. 


Over 100 Years of Excellence

UW-Eau Claire, located on the banks of the Chippewa River, 一个多世纪以来一直是公立高等教育机构的创新领导者. 

这个机构已经培养了几代的领导者,从K-12教育工作者和全球行业高管到医疗保健专业人士, research scientists, acclaimed actors, authors and more. Blugolds develop critical-thinking skills, 参与以职业为中心的变革体验, 离开大学,准备加入劳动力队伍,对他们的社区产生重大影响.


Affordable Tuition
Ranked A Best College For Your Money
Money’s The Best Colleges in America 2024
On Princeton Review's List of Best Colleges
这个排名完全是由当前的学生调查决定的. 澳门葡京网赌送彩金, listed as a Best in the Midwest, 在你找大学的时候被评为“学术优秀,非常值得考虑”."
The Princeton Review 2025
Worth The Investment
威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校毕业生在职业生涯早期的平均工资为56200美元. College Salary Report 2023
Silver Rating in Sustainability
STARS全球可持续发展标准是通过评估学术界的可持续发展实践来衡量的, engagement, operations, innovation, and leadership.
Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System (STARS)
Mayo doctor with nursing student in Sim Lab
Partnering for the Public Good
We’re proud of the company we keep. 我们将继续与梅奥诊所等开创性组织建立伙伴关系, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Marshfield Clinic, Pablo Center at the Confluence, and the County Materials Complex. Together, we get more done.
Blugold Pride
威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校有很多值得我们骄傲的地方. 了解我们的骄傲点和我们的卓越社区.

Only at Eau Claire

你会找到其他地方找不到的机会. 参加各专业的开创性研究. Get published as an undergrad. 潜入开创性的合作项目,你只能在威斯康星大学克莱尔分校找到.

Great Things Happening
一名戴着护目镜专心观察实验室实验的学生, with other students working alongside, focusing on the scientific process.
Two Renowned Institutions, One Common Goal
威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校和梅奥诊所健康系统之间的突破性研究协议为学生创造了与知名医生和诊所工作人员一起探索前沿思想的机会. Developing solutions for real-world problems, 你会找到有效的方法来造福病人, not just regionally but across the globe.
Radiate Blugold Pride with the BMB
With an enrollment of 475 members, 布鲁戈尔德军乐队是中西部最大也是最活跃的军乐队之一. 参加各种校园活动并表演,甚至有机会在美国各地表演.S. and the globe.
Meet Blugolds
布卢戈尔德家族是威斯康辛州及其他地区未来的领袖. With a student population of more than 9,000 students, our stories are many, 但我们都有一个共同点:追求卓越.
Building a Legacy

Most Beautiful Campus

照片并不能很好地展现它,但我们仍在努力. 这个校园一年四季都美得惊人. With the Chippewa River flowing through, the forested hill climbing high, 建筑的年龄从100岁到崭新不等, 到处都是令人惊叹的东西.

spring scene with daffodils
Don't believe the hype? Come see for yourself.
Blugold Stories
McIntyre Library
威斯康星大学欧克莱尔的麦金太尔图书馆被授予2024年威斯康星图书馆协会图书馆年度奖,以表彰图书馆在服务方面的杰出成就, library system or library network.
Logo for Universities of Wisconsin
威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校是威斯康星大学的一部分. 威斯康星大学由13所独特的大学组成,有着共同的使命. With locations around the state, 威斯康星大学的学生超过162人,500 students annually with 840+ programs, 提供无限的探索机会, learn, and thrive.

威斯康星州的公立大学获得了近37个奖项,000 degrees each year, 帮助毕业生提高他们的赚钱能力, contribute to their communities, and make Wisconsin a better place to live. 威斯康星大学还通过开创性的研究提高了威斯康星文化和经济的丰富性, new companies and patents, and boundless creative intellectual energy.
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